Functions | |
_get_from_type (items, type) | |
_type_from_ext (ext) | |
_is_good_sn (name) | |
_new_page (type, lname, template, hidden) | |
_new_page2 (type, lname, template, hidden) | |
_make_page (page, type_='') | |
Union[WBook, MBook] | new_book (type=_WBOOK_TYPE, lname='', template='', hidden=False) |
GPage | new_graph (lname='', template='', hidden=False) |
IPage | new_image (lname='', hidden=False) |
Notes | new_notes (name='') |
Union[WSheet, MSheet] | new_sheet (type=_WBOOK_TYPE, lname='', template='', hidden=False) |
_get_item (coll, index) | |
_get_page (type, index) | |
_get_sheet (index, type) | |
Union[WBook, MBook, GPage, IPage] | get_page (type, index=0) |
Union[WSheet, MSheet] | find_sheet (type=_WBOOK_TYPE, ref='') |
Union[WBook, MBook] | find_book (type=_WBOOK_TYPE, name='') |
_find_page (name, typestr, type_, pagecls) | |
GPage | find_graph (name='') |
IPage | find_image (name='') |
Notes | find_notes (name='') |
Union[WBook, MBook] | load_book (fname) |
List[GPage] | graph_list (select='f', inc_embed=False) |
Union[WBook, MBook, GPage, IPage] | pages (type_='') |
open (file, readonly=False, asksave=False) | |
new (asksave=False) | |
save (file='') | |
Variables | |
str | _WBOOK_TYPE = 'w' |
str | _MBOOK_TYPE = 'm' |
str | _GPAGE_TYPE = 'g' |
str | _IPAGE_TYPE = 'i' |
dict | _PAGE_CLS |
dict | _LAYER_CLS |
dict | _PAGE_TYPES |
dict | _PO_PAGE_TYPES = {v:k for k, v in _PAGE_TYPES.items()} |
originpro A package for interacting with Origin software via Python. Copyright (c) 2020 OriginLab Corporation
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WorksheetPages etc has no index, and no slice
Find the work or matrixbook by name (short name) and return a WBook or MBook object. Parameters: type (str): Specify 'w' for WBook object or 'm' for MBook object name (str or int): Name of book. If empty, then active book. If int, then from the collection of books by index Returns: (WBook or MBook or None) Examples: wb = op.find_book()#if active book is a workbook mb = op.find_book('m', 'MBook2')
GPage originpro.project.find_graph | ( | name = '' | ) |
Find the named graph (short name) and return a GPage object. Parameters: name (str or int) Name of graph. If empty, then active graph, if int, then index into graph page collection Returns: (GPage or None) Examples: g = op.find_graph('Graph2') glayer=op.find_graph()[0]
IPage originpro.project.find_image | ( | name = '' | ) |
Find the named Image Window and return a IPage object. Parameters: name (str or int) Name of Image Window. If empty, then active Image Page, int, then index into Image Page collection Returns: (IPage or None) Examples: import numpy as np im = op.find_image('Image1') data = im.to_np() dataUpsideDown = np.flip(data, 1) im.from_np(dataUpsideDown)
Notes originpro.project.find_notes | ( | name = '' | ) |
Find the named Notes Window and return a Notes object. Parameters: name (str) Name of Image window. If empty, then active Notes window. Returns: (Notes or None) Examples: nt1 = op.find_notes('Notes') nt2 = op.find_notes()
Find the Sheet referenced by ref (an Origin range string). Default will return active worksheet. Parameters: type (str): Specify 'w' for WBook object or 'm' for MBook object ref (str or int): [book]sheet, an Origin range specification. Can also be just book name to assume active sheet, so the following are the same if book has only one sheet '[book1]1', '[book1]1!', 'book1' You may also pass in an integer for the book index, like 0 for the first book Returns: (WSheet or MSheet or None) Examples: wks1 = op.find_sheet() #when active book that is a workbook wks2 = op.find_sheet('w', '[Book1]Sheet2') #when you need a specific sheet m1 = op.find_sheet('m') #when active is a matrix book m2 = op.find_sheet('m','MBook1') #when there is only one sheet, use simpler notation wks3 = op.find_sheet('w',0)# see if there is any workbook at all
get WBook, MBook, GPage, IPage by index Parameters: none Returns: WBook or MBook or GPage or IPage None Examples: w=op.get_page('w', 0)//there should a workbook exist
List[GPage] originpro.project.graph_list | ( | select = 'f', | |
inc_embed = False ) |
Returns a list object of GPages representing graphs in the current folder, graphs open in current folder, or graphs in project. Parameters: select (str): Specify 'f' for current folder, 'o' for graphs open in current folder, or 'p' for graphs in project inc_embed (bool): Include embedded graphs in the list, this is supported for 'p' only Returns: (list) list of GPage objects Examples: graphs1 = op.graph_list('p', True) graphs2 = op.graph_list('f')
Loads a work or matrixbook from file and returns a WBook or MBook object. Parameters: fname (str): File path and name. If file name only, the load from UFF Returns: (WBook or MBook or None) Examples: wb1 = op.load_book('My Analysis Template.ogwu')#from user file folder wb2 = op.load_book(op.path('e')+r'Samples\Batch Processing\Peak Analysis.ogw') | ( | asksave = False | ) |
Starts a new project. Parameters: asksave (bool)P: If True, prompt user to save current project is it is modified Returns: None Examples:
Union[WBook, MBook] originpro.project.new_book | ( | type = _WBOOK_TYPE, | |
lname = '', | |||
template = '', | |||
hidden = False ) |
Create a new workbook or matrixbook. Parameters: type(str): Specify 'w' for WBook object or 'm' for MBook object lname (str): Long Name of the book template (str): Template name. May exclude extension. Does not support OGWU files (e.g. analysis templates). In that case, use load_book. hidden (bool): True makes newly created book hidden Returns: (WBook or MBook or None) Examples: wb1 = op.new_book() wb2 = op.new_book('w', 'My Template') mb = op.new_book('m', hidden=True) See Also: load_book
GPage originpro.project.new_graph | ( | lname = '', | |
template = '', | |||
hidden = False ) |
Create a new empty graph optionally from a template. Parameters: lname (str): Long Name of the graph template (str): Template name. May exclude extension. If not specified, use origin.otp. hidden (bool): True makes newly created graph hidden Returns: (GPage or None) Examples: g1 = op.new_graph() g2 = op.new_graph('My Graph') g3 = op.new_graph(template=op.path('e') + '3Ys_Y-Y-Y.otp')
IPage originpro.project.new_image | ( | lname = '', | |
hidden = False ) |
Create a new image window Parameters: lname (str): Long Name of the new window hidden (bool): True makes newly created window hidden Returns: IPage or None Examples: im = op.new_image()
Notes originpro.project.new_notes | ( | name = '' | ) |
Create a new Notes window Parameters: lname (str): Name of the new window Returns: Notes or None Examples: nt = op.new_notes()
Union[WSheet, MSheet] originpro.project.new_sheet | ( | type = _WBOOK_TYPE, | |
lname = '', | |||
template = '', | |||
hidden = False ) |
Create a new work or matrixbook and return the first sheet as a WSheet or MSheet. Parameters: type (str): Specify 'w' for WBook object or 'm' for MBook object lname (str): Long Name of the book template (str): Template name. May exclude extension hidden (bool): True makes newly created book hidden Returns: (WSheet or MSheet or None) Examples: wks1 = op.new_sheet() wks2 = op.new_sheet('w', 'My Template.otwu') mxs = op.new_sheet('m', hidden=True) | ( | file, | |
readonly = False, | |||
asksave = False ) |
Opens an Origin project file. Parameters: file (str): File path and name readonly (bool): Opern the file as read-only asksave (bool): If True, prompt user to save current project is it is modified Returns: (bool) True if project is successfully loaded Examples:'C:\path\to\My Project.opju')
All pages in project. Parameters: type_ (str): Page type, can be 'w', 'm', 'g', 'i' Returns: Page Objects Examples: wps=op.pages('w') w1=next(wps) wshet=w1[0] | ( | file = '' | ) |
Saves the current project. If no file name given, then save to current project file. Parameters: file (str): Path and file name to save the project as. Save to current project file if blank. Returns: (bool) True if project is successfully saved Examples'C:\path\to\My Project.opju')
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